jimkennedy’s avatarjimkennedy’s Twitter Archive—№ 17,816

    1. When #twitter dies where will all the M*usk fanboys go to explain that actually this is a masterstroke or whatever?
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @jimkennedy
    Asking for a group of friends who like to point and laugh.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @jimkennedy
      A cool, simple, really quick, free tool for exporting a list of all the beautiful people you follow on #twitter and also all the beautiful people that follow you! commentpicker.com/twitter-export.php
      1. …in reply to @jimkennedy
        On the #mastodon side there's a simple tool for generating a list all your #twitter friends who have already made the migration. Apart from generating the list, the #fedifinder can also automatically follow them for you over there. fedifinder.glitch.me/
        1. …in reply to @jimkennedy
          You can also request a zip of your #twitter data (this takes 24 hours apparently, so I might have left it too late...).
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API