jimkennedy’s avatarjimkennedy’s Twitter Archive—№ 17,792

  1. How to lay people off and be decent about it - a lesson from @stripe. stripe.com/en-ca/newsroom/news/ceo-patrick-collisons-email-to-stripe-employees
    1. …in reply to @jimkennedy
      Speaking as someone who's been laid off by, variously, having my logins mysteriously not work one morning, my company phone reset itself to factory settings in my hand, hearing the words 'effective immediately,' and being walked off the premises, Stripe-style sounds nice!
      1. …in reply to @jimkennedy
        Meanwhile, @twitter are already being sued for the manner of their layoffs. Is there nothing that man can't do wrong? techcrunch.com/2022/11/04/twitter-faces-a-class-action-lawsuit-over-mass-employee-layoffs-with-proper-legal-notice/